Ak si niekto napíše nejakú báseň pre seba je to fajn. Ak sa niekto podelí s myšlienkami aj s druhými je to ešte lepšie.
Naša študentka prvého ročníka Soňa Krátka si píše básne a poviedky len tak. Pre seba. S jej dovolením uverejňujeme jednu báseň v angličtine. Možno inšpiruje aj ostatných. Držíme palce v jej ďalšej tvorbe.
A Joyful Choice
You grabbed me by the hand, bubbling giggles that burst at the mention of being lost,
"Say young lady, was this planned? Confusing riddles are your thoughts."
"No it was not, lovely miss. It's just that I love autumn's kiss."
"Yet your knees are bloodied now, I think you've wandered way too far."
"Yes it's true, I've lost direction. I have seen an unknown section, I got bruises on my hands, from traveling to unfamiliar lands."
"Why's the reason, tell me why, why are you still laughing now?"
"A little lost, a little found." We followed the path on the ground.
"A little lost, a little found?" She asked me, quiet, with a frown.
So we walked some more, a bit. Then we stopped and took a seat.
"Lovely miss, is it that confusing? To find all this a bit amusing?"
"But dear child how could I not? You act as if you forgot. Remember that there's always danger. Your behavior is the one that's stranger."
"Ah! My lady's such a hypocrite! Saying words that spark conflict!" Playfulness and irritation filled the youngster's voice.
"What is with this strange fixation on my joyful choice? Would you rather see me be overtaken by fear?"
"Ah you would be mistaken, I just want you to be near."
So with slow steps we wandered a bit more uphill.