• ....Klimatická úzkosť, ekofilozofia, aktivizmus, kritické myslenie, konšpirácie, zastrašovanie, šikana...tieto témy sú piliermi novej hry "Pod pokrievkou", ktorú mali naši prváci a tretiaci  opäť možnosť vidieť a zažiť.

                 Výstup projektu Play the future, na ktorom divadlo Rosart spolupracovalo spolu s divadelným spolkom z mesta Kroměříž. Do projektu sa mali možnosť zapojiť mladí ľudia vo veku 13 - 30 rokov. Ide o analýzu života mladých. Čo ich teší, čo ich trápi...

                 Výborné herecké výkony, zaujímavá scéna, veľmi dobrá hudba a možnosť vybrať si, ako má príbeh skončiť - to sú hlavné veci, pre ktoré sa toto divadlo oplatilo navštíviť.

            ...a takto vníma návštevu predstavenia naša študentka 1. ročníka Vladyslava:

                 Čo je divadlo? Je to miesto pre umenie, tvorivosť. Herectvo je talent. Má ho málo ľudí, ale mnohí sa ho môžu naučiť. Keď človek chce, tak dokáže všetko.Pre mňa osobne, herectvo je sloboda, a sloboda je to, čo si najviac vážim a milujem. Poznám cenu slobody. Dnes sme so školou navštívili divadlo. Pravdupovediac, nemyslela som si, že to bude niečo zaujímavé, ale mýlila som sa. Témou tohto predstavenia bola klíma a globálne otepľovanie. Úprimne, o klímu som sa veľmi nezaujímala. Ale v tomto predstavení... bolo to niečo nové, dalo mi to nový pohľad na túto tému. Hlavná myšlienka, ktorá mi utkvela v pamäti, je, že ak nezačneme niečo meniť teraz a budeme naďalej žiť tak, ako žijeme, nebudeme mať žiadnu budúcnosť, pretože nebude nás. To je niečo, nad čím sa treba zamyslieť, však? Aj čo sa týka hercov, herecké výkony boli úžasné. stihla som sa zasmiať, pocítiť smútok a v jednom momente som dokonca aj slzu vyronila. A tiež to, čo nebolo pre divadelnú hru  typické. Divák si mohol vybrať koniec. Tento nápad sa mi veľmi páči, mám rada vo všeobecnosti všetky nie bežné, keď idú za hranice, otvárajú nové možnosti. Rada by som prišla ešte niekoľkokrát, aby som videla všetky možné konce predstavenia. Chcela by som sa poďakovať učiteľom, že nás zobrali do divadla.

        • BASIC CAMP našich prvákov
          • BASIC CAMP našich prvákov

          • Prvý týžden našich prvákov sa už tradične uskutočnil v Závažnej Porube. Noví spolužiaci mali opäť možnosť sa spoznávať v rámci pobytu na Basic Campe v penzióne Zivka. Pod vedením učiteľov strávili nezabudnuteľné chvíle v prírodnom prostredí a zároveň sa mohli oboznámiť s tým, čo ich čaká na škole, spoznať svojich nových spolužiakov a vytvoriť vlastný triedny kolektív. 





            Ako prebiehal týždeň na Basic Campe, čo všetko tam zažili a aké su ich dojmy niektorí z nich sami opísali:

            Moje dojmy z Basic campu.
            Tak ako mnohí ľudia, aj ja som bol spočiatku veľmi nervóznа a nevedelа som, čo mám tento týždeň očakávať. Dnes je takmer posledný deň a ja sa chcem podeliť o svoje dojmy. Prvý deň som ešte nikoho nepoznala, ale cestou do hotela som sa zoznámila s mojou novou spolužiačkou Viki, potom sme sa s ňou a ďalšou dievčinou Tomarkou delili o hotelovú izbu. Prvé miesto, kam sme sa po príchode vybrali, bol cintorín. Tam nám náš pán učiteľ Vretenár rozprával o známom slovenskom spisovateľovi Milanovi Rúfusovi. Neskôr pôjdeme do jeho domu a budeme o ňom robiť projekt. Na druhý deň sme sa vybrali do Liptovského Mikuláša. Tam sme obišli veľa pamiatok a dozvedela som sa veľa nových a zaujímavých vecí. V tomto meste som bola už veľakrát, ale netušila som, že sa tu toho deje toľko. V stredu po raňajkách sme išli na ihrisko a športovali sme. A potom môj spolužiak Martin išiel na strechu po bedmintonovú loptičku, ktorá sa nám tam „zatúlala“. Vo štvrtok a zároveň 4. deň nášho campu sme išli do Liptovského Jána. Cesta tam a späť mala trvať asi 5 hodín, ale zvládli sme to za 4 hodiny a prišli sme o hodinu skôr. Aj v Liptovskom Jáne sme boli v múzeu s miniatúrami významných pamiatok Slovenska a na železnici s vláčikmi. Tiež by som chcela spomenúť, že každý večer sme písali slohové práce a mali zábavné aktivity v slovenskom ale najmä anglicom jazyku. Zajtra je posledný deň, ale som si istá, že bude rovnako zaujímavý a plnohodnotný ako ostatné dni a som veľmi rada, že som na tomto gymnáziu.

            Vladyslava Viatokha

            Basic Camp in Závažná Poruba

            My expectation was to find friends and that definitely did happened but let me tell you about our weekend.
            On Monday at 6AM we all went to the train station to go to Liptovský Mikuláš and from there we went on a bus to Závažna Poruba.
            Once we were in Závažná Poruba teachers separated us to our rooms. I ended up being in a room with Ester and Sophia at first we were all really shy but now we are great friends. Later that day we went on a hike in matching light green shirts and blue caps just to take pictures but also to enyoj the nature which was very veryy beautiful. We also played a game to get to know eachother. Then we had pasta for dinner and went to sleep.
            On Tuesday we went to Liptovský Mikuláš to go sightseeing. We saw a lot of historical monuments like Tatrín, fountain Aurel Stodola, Tranoscius and a lot of more. We went back to the penzion and had to write essay about the whole day and send it to our teacher. We also met our class teacher. We did nothing after that so we went to sleep.
            On this day we went to the house of Milan Rúfus. We heard about his past, intrests, family and a lot more. Our teacher gave us a tour of his house. We also played sports. We tied at 1:1. And we made presentation like a short video about the house. We also met a new teacher that day.
            On Thursday we went on a hike to Mini Slovakia it took us 5 hours to get there and back. We saw trains, castles, churches there was also a football pitch. I was so tired I wanted to go to sleep but then a new teacher came and we played a game with her she was really fun. We had to pack so we can go home tommorow early in the morning.

            So in the end this week was one of the best we made great memories and new friends.

            Karin Zboroňová

            Basic camp

            Our journey started at the train station in Ružomberok. We gathered there with our teachers and went together on the train. I didn't know anyone yet and i was really embarrassed to start a conversation with someone. Once we arrived in Liptovský Mikuláš, we went to the bus station together. After a while, our bus arrived and we made our way to Závažná Poruba. Teacher Vretenár ditched us and decided to go by car. We stayed at the Zivka guesthouse. Once we went inside, we all split into groups of people we would be in a room with. I got paired with two girls. They were really sweet. The rooms were good, but i missed my soft bed. After we unpacked our things, we went to the dining room and introduced ourselves. I found out that i have a few things in common with my classmates. The first day with teacher Morley was great. He's really sarcastic...and cringe... Our teacher Vretenár told us that we're going to take a walk. Little did we know that it'll be a three-hour hike. I don't think that we're going to be friends if this keeps up. My legs were killing me. Once evening arrived, we had dinner and then we wrote an essay about the first day. On Tuesday, we went to Liptovský Mikuláš. Our teacher showed us memorial buildings there and told us about them. It was honestly boring because i don't like history. Once we arrived, we had to write about everything we saw there as if we were the guide talking about it. It was very tiring. On Wednesday, we went to visit Milan Rúfus's house. We got to see the house where he grew up and geo to know how he grew up. I think that the only person that actually enjoyed it was our teacher that guided us. After that, we went to play sports outside. He then made us do a video about Milan Rúfus's house. We played volleyball, badminton and so on. On Thursday we went to Liptovský Ján. It was even more tiring. My legs were giving up. I'm not built for that kind of stuff. We went to visit miniature buildings of Slovakia there. They were really small and kinda cute. I don't think that i remember a single one from those mini buildings. Once we came back, we finally got some rest. In the evening, teacher Winchester came. She was really sweet and we had fun while playing games that were testing our brains. I got a headache from it, but it was kinda nice. I passed out immediately after that day. Our last day finally came. On our first day, our teacher told us to write what we expect from basic camp. I wrote down that i hope to find new friends. Did it come true? Yes, it did. I'm glad that i got to meet such amazing people. I hope that there won't be any problems or misunderstandings between us and that we can be a normal class until the end of our high school.

            Estera Mlynarčíková

            So this is my final opinion on basic camp and also my best enjoyment’s. First day was little bit tricky because we had to get known to each others. However second to last day were perfect. Our teacher Vretenar was amazing guide and joker but also walking Wikipedia. Everyday we had trips, programs and sooo much fun. I have to say I enjoyed everything. Program’s that teachers crated, chill parts in our rooms, meals and sports. From my perspective, every school should organize their own basic camps. Every student should experience it.
            My first day thoughts did became true. I met and get know to my classmates, I received informations about my next teachers and overall how will my school work. So huge thanks for all my teachers that came to camp.
            I will never forget this memories.
            Here is everyday list of programs that we had.
            Day one: walk around Závažná Poruba.
            Day two: Visit of LM
            Day three: House where M.F lived trip
            And four: visit of Miniatúrne Slovensko

            Filip Šupík