Dnes predstavujeme literárnu tvorbu žiačky 3. ročníka Terezy Dítětovej. Nech je inširáciou a povzbudením aj pre ostatných našich študentov.
Millenniums old practices of recording our surroundings, communities, people we love and cherish, and mainly all things we found beautiful brought us a delightful concept that we love to surround ourselves with - art.
We highly value this powerful tool of human imagination and respect the skilful artists who devote their lives to creating magnificent pieces. And that stayed the same for the longest time. Back in the days of the old masters, art in the physical form could be rarely found in the hands of common folk, but I'm sure that despite not knowing the technical side of this craft, it was still greatly appreciated.
Today there are many more means of accessing art and that is to be taken advantage of Art throughout history had many uses, some more noble than others, but I would argue that the most important one is self-expression. Art in its many forms is perfect for illustrating all those indescribable emotions that one can hold. It can be full of symbolism that would speak for itself even after a few centuries. Many artists use those tools to share their experiences in all aspects of life that the spectators may relate to. We can often see contemporary art used to take a powerful stance in activism and convey messages that speak loudly about issues we face as a society.Putting what we deem as worthy on paper, into songs, poetry, books or photography is so immensely important that we all should partake in it. Mainly for our own sake, but also for the sake of leaving traces after us, a message for others. A message about what we loved, found beautiful, hated, about what angered us or wronged us, our stances, opinions, and emotions. Maybe someone a hundred years after us will look at this confession of life and see that what makes us human doesn't ever change.
Tereza Dítětová, III.A